Thursday, October 30, 2008
Tell the world that...
I wish I knew how to completely put into words the emotions streaming through my family and I today! Lets just start off by saying, God is GOOD!
Here's the scoop, My grandma has been fighting lymphoma for a while now. This summer was a wreck for her. She was allergic to every type of kemo or meds the doctors would put her on.. every single day was a battle that she was getting fed up with. So, she and my papa prayed and prayed about it and decided to go ahead and stop the cancer treatment. It was the most heat breaking thing. It was terribly selfish, yet natural to but sad and upset... but once my family and i saw how content she was with this decision, she fully supported her and spent as much time with her and my papa as we possibly could.
My grandparents decided to pack their bags and one of those massive trailers meant for like, 12 people... And they decided to take a trip to Canada and a few places in the northern states to re-visit friends, family, and a bit of their childhood. During this trip, lets just say they didnt hold back. They saw sights, they ate food, tried new things, ate ice cream everyday, laughed, cried, and prayed. The spent a month on their vacation and having a great time!
They've been home for about a month now, and today, Grandma was scheduled to go get some blood work done. When the decision was made to quit the kemo because it was just creating bigger problems, the doctor sadly gave us a warning that we may not have our Grandma with us much longer.. he said a month.. MAX.
It is with great joy and with tears of thankfulness that i am able to tell you today that there is not once ounce of lymphoma in that womans body. Praise Him! The cancer is gone!! I still cant believe it when i say it! God healed her.. This was the hand of God healing and protecting her. Gosh, to see God's work first hand is... I feel honored that God would heal her. So many others haven't been healed from cancer.. a few of our other family members are in heaven with him. But i Gods got some more spreading of the joy for her to do. Annddd and my papa said this morning, "She has a lot more pie crusts to make and freeze before she goes!" Love him and the way he can make an entire room burst into laughter.
Our God is an AWESOME GOD!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
New Creation
Fellowship Church has a new album coming out this October. WOOP! I shot this video last night when i heard it was going to be played. Dex Alexander is on lead vocals, Draper and Haven are playing these awesome barrels with sparkles and glitter on them.
Really is was amazing it see it in person... but im trying to show you just a wee bit of whats going on at the church. Amazing!!
Friday, May 23, 2008
Lets Go Racin' Boys!
I've packed my clothes, bedding, and a few fun personal items... Where am I going. Camp! Actually, i've packed twice and ive attempted a move out there twice and each time, something always comes up and i end up moving on back to Dallas. Not my most favorite thing to do... but im ok with it. This weekend is Memorial Day Weekend and we're having 100 ish people come out and 'test' the camp. We're going to test paintball, the waterpark, the zip lines and ropes course.. (which makes zero sense to me because we haven't been trained on the zip or ropes course... and to me... it sounds like it could be fairly dangerous... being 60 freakin feet in the air and all) Im just saying. Odd.
So, im leaving in an hour to begin my summer portion of camp. Bye Bye administration junk.. (waves with delight)
Oh.. I have good news! I made a friend! Ok... im sure that sounded extremely lame and possibly a cry for attention, but i assure you, im just very great full. So Kayla (the new friend) is meeting me at the church around 10am and from there we are going to drive out to the camp.. she has no idea how to get there, so she'll follow me in her own car. We'll need to stop at the mall though, because... ok... listen to this...
Yesterday i remembered that im going to need khaki shorts to look nice on drop off days and pick up days... So i drove to the mall and went to Aeropostale and picked up a pair. They were on cheap too! (happy about that) When i got home.. i immediately began to pack, and as im pulling these new shorts out of the bag.. I see that the Anti Theft "No- Go" Alarm thinger is still attached.
( rolls eyes)
So i need to go back .... with my recipiet.... and have them take care of that little mistake. And why didnt the alarm system go off in the first place? Weird.
After this weekend, myself, Brandon, Jeremy, and Jordan will be going out to the outskirts of Fort Worth to complete a zip line and ropes course training... we'll be done around Saturday at lunch. Our camp's training week starts Friday, so we will have missed the first day... oh dear. But oh well. We need to be able to run our ropes course... so this is the price you have to pay. And its not even that big of a deal. Once training week is complete on the 6th... Allaso CAMPERS arrive on the 8th! Im very excited that the time has finally come. But also, im nervous.
Pray for Allaso.
(and for my own personal strength)
....And so it begins.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Just try not to laugh
I know many of you have seen this video.. but honestly.. so funny.
I dont know why.. but i thought my dad may really like this video.. so hopefully he watches this.
That is all.
(for now)
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Evolution of Dance
Today has been amazing. The first set of 2nd interviews was completely successful. We had some great leaders who really showed their true colours.. also had a few shy, timid, 'followers' who also, surprisingly, stepped up and showed us that.. they want this job! ...they want to be apart of allaso ranch camp... and they love our God with all of their heart.
One of these girls who is fairly reserved came to me after the interview and said.. "Thank You. Even if i dont get this job.. because i know im not as outgoing as outgoing as some of these older and more mature leaders... i had a great time." That alone made me so happy. i was proud of her for stepping up and even thinking of saying that to me.
Today is a dancing day! I know that all of us on the executive team will be dancing this week. As of Monday, we will have all of our summer staff hired and that will FINALLY be a brick off my shoulder.
Switchfoot is going to be at Taste of Addison on Friday. Guess where im going to be all day friday the 9th. BOO YAH!
(happy dancing like the guy in the video clip)
Thursday, May 1, 2008
The Office
The Office is on again tonight. Hurray!
For 30 minutes, i will let these actors and actress's mold my mind and possibly spoil my clean thoughts. And I dont mind. I look forward to it.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Heaven will be decorated in pink..
The work at Allaso has been, not only piling up.. but has been completed. Im so lucky to be able to stay on top of work the way i was hoping to when i first came down here. The work loads involve a lot of driving.. eating fast food.. giving out my personal cell number to so many annoying / incompetent texans.. seriously.. I receive at least 20 ish calls a day just to answer a question when an answer has already been given. Such a pain. But its' al apart of the job.
One of our church leaders died last weekend and we held a funeral for her this past week. She was so young, so sweet, and just had the most amazing singing voice.. So thats been a real timely thing of a lot of the fellowship church staff. She fell ill and died all in a matter of four days. Vanessa had her thumb print all over the church.. she decorated.. planned events.. and was usually the most stunning woman in the room.
Brian is here with me now.. but only for ten days which is a huge blessing because we didn't expect this trip to happen. He was able to fly down just in time for our monthly anniversary... YAY! So we celebrated by going to a Rangers vs Blue Jays game in Arlington Texas... Rangers suck. That is all. Brian somehow got free tickets in a totally amazing area.. go brian! (does little dance)
Everyone loves free tickets.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Equally Skilled
It has begun. So to give you some back information… As most of you know, Im working for Fellowship Church’s new summer camp called Allasso Ranch. At the moment, this camp has around 4 full time staff.. Barry, Ellen (barry’s wife) Brandon and myself.
I had a meeting with Brandon on Thursday and we talked about how this summers going to look and the business of the weeks ahead. So I had been given a desk and a list of our church members who needed to be called and interviewed for some program positions. Lots more to do on the side of that as well.. I was to start Monday or Tuesday. Sounded good right?
I received a call from Barry (the actual camp director) (the guy who runs the show) (even thought we’ll all be working as a team… he’s the big boss) and in this call, he said that instead of keeping me in Dallas working out of the church… Basically this was an sos call from the big boss. And he pretty much said that during this call…. Hes going to get me out to the camp as soon as possible next week. He’s going to find a place on the camp campus for me to live and work out of so I can start on the admin work and so much more. Once I know more about what im doing, I’ll be sure to write about it. The only thing is, I have no idea how im going to get out there for a few days.. or maybe even more. Mom and I are sharing a car.. she has a full time busy life job and holly (sister) has her own busy life plus school. Oooo Bother. Oh, but I got a new phone. So hurray for that!
I miss my best friend. I miss random hang outs and dinners and the talks. I just need to get to work to pass the time.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Please fasten your seatbelts..
The flight attendant spilled an entire glass of tomato juice on the poor 'busy life business woman' beside me which made this already turbulance controlled flight just that much more pleasant. (not really) The juicy woman made quite the scene and made sure that everyone knew what happened. She stood up, screamed, yelled, said something about someone needing to re-think their career because it may not be their career after this flight... And this was when i turned on my Ipod, got out my crochet and my blanket in progress and pretended i was sitting on a stoop listening to Jon Forman play is guitar.
So, I'm off to a meeting with some of the other camp staff..
Wish me luck..