Sunday, June 17, 2007

golden ticket

today felt like tasting chocolate for the first time. i've never felt such a mix of emotions. in the morning, i awoke with frustration bubbles lingering over my head.. then i checked my e-mail.. then the bubbles exploded. they didnt just pop. they freakin exploded. i, unfortunately, didnt have anyone go come to toronto with me anymore. crud. so i phoned my dad to inform him of my newly exploded bubbles and boy oh boy... he did not even hesitate to tell me not to go to the game. which i can completely understand. ...did i listen? Nu uh.
so im driving to Toronto and im thinking that i may JUST get to the stadium in time for the first of the game. traffic was overly amazing. i've never seen such a lack of cars on a sunday in toronto. and since it was fathers day today.. i thought it'd be even more busy than usual. families going places for dads day... dads going places to escape their families plans.. ...just for the record, my dad gave me these toronto fc tickets. the game was against dallas fc and he wasn't able to go to the game anyway.. im not just a horrible daughter who neglects my father on fathers day. i made him a poster. ...anyway...
i arrived at the field and got an amazing parking spot. right under a tree.. the afternoon sun would be blocked and my car would be not as boiling hot on the inside. (does happy dance) i shoved my money and important stuff into my pocket.. grabbed the 2 tickets.. and walked towards the field. on my way there, i was hit in the shoulder by some teenager kicking a soccer ball. nice guy. we ended up talking about soccer for a minute or 2.. he apologized and i went on my way. i was almost at the door when some random guy stopped me and asked if i was selling. selling what? he wanted my other ticket. so i told him that the ticket was 30 bucks... and he only had 20's... and i.. didn't have change. sucks for him. i sold the ticket for 40 bucks. i bought a long sleeve t-shirt and a pop and hot dog! (happy dance continued)
the game, for those of you who missed it, was intense. lots of yellow flags. lots of goals, headbuts, cleats making contact with skin, and oh the language... fantastic game. all around amazing. fc dallas lost (pout) but drew moore #14 waved to me... so that made them good again. No one ever came and sat in the other tickets seat. so it was nice to have 'cheering' room.
once the game was over and patrons were running to their cars to attempt to miss heavy traffic, i decided i LOVED being in toronto alone because then i didnt have to keep a schedule. with that in mind, i walked around the stadium for a bit, got some water (i could feel my skin melting) then once i made it to the front of the building, i walked by several men in suits and ties. lets just say i didnt not take a closer look. i realized that the swarm of men were the toronto fc team! (happy dance continued) they all signed my ticket and made conversation with me for a good 20 some minutes until the crazed fans spotted them and i was slowly moshed out of their way. very cool anyway. the goalie, #18 (russian name that i cant even try to spell) was hilarious! the signed 'golden ticket'...even though its red, is on display on my desk....
They say the best writers come from the people with the most experience in life and in faith. i believe that in the fullest. im waiting for my next challenge.

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