Monday, October 29, 2007

weekend days start with S because they are Super.

how would the world change if there were 3 day weekends and 4 day work days?
just dwell on that. see what you mind comes up with. and.. how can we get this started?

i'm kind of going through the same thought as i was before camp. what am i working towards? what are my goals in life? ..and seriously.. what am i going to be when 'i grow up'... if i ever actually admit to growing up. which will never happen. honestly, whenever i thought about my 'grown up' future, all i saw was myself getting married and doing everything a wife and someday mother would do. and thats all thats ever been on my 'grown up to do list.' is that silly? or is it natural for a female to want that of herself. but dont get me wrong, i also see the big picture here. im not dating nor to i plan to anytime soon. i want to be in school.. but i really want to go to school for what i'd like to do someday... which is still undecided. im 21 years old and im undecided. and im entirely ok with it.
i'd love to be a photographer... an artist.. a nurse for little itty bitty babies.. or a coroner... (not for itty bitty babies) i'd love to just figure it out. but i hate spending money along the way. job requires schooling.. schooling requires time and money. and i already am fully aware that i am an expensive person. i dont mean to be.

ok... so i just realized that the weekend is over.. and its back to cmu student life... tomorrow consists of cmusc (student council) meetings and votes for how we are going to spend our money... which is lacking... but more than usual thanks to our mystery donors...
so yah.. meetings and classes and hopefully a nap somewhere in between. well,perhaps i wont be tired... i just need to go to bed now.

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