Tuesday, June 12, 2007

whats that smell

when i turned 20, i thought i knew everything there was to know. ...turns out... i really actually dont know everything there is to know. (gasp) news to me! since i've been working at the greenhouse, ive come face to face with the strangest, yet most interesting days i've ever experienced. today was, by far, the weirdest. last night, i finished my essay and all my application forms for CMU (YAY)...but stayed up way too late. (UGH) with that, i slept in massively this morning. i slept threw all 3 of my alarms and woke up 20 minutes after i needed to be at work. good start eh? (grumbles) and after i pace around my apartment like a zombie in one heck of a hurry, i run out the door... forgetting to grab my CMU package which needed to be mailed. if you've ever been to my place, you'll know it takes me a good 10 minutes just to get down the stairs, through the 2 locked doors...then through the final deadlocked door in the back. and lord knows, as soon as i stepped off the carpet onto the cement of the pathway outside...i remembered the stupid mail... all the way upstairs. lets just say, its a good thing i dont live next door to a priest.
I got to work and received almost zero criticism. that was nice. i watered all morning then deadheaded all afternoon. my boss was acting kinda weird all day. i automatically assumed it was my tardiness that tipped him off, but as the day progressed i found out his 93 year old dad was in the hospital because of a bad fall. and as the boss likes to say, "My Dad broked his ass!" ...yah that says broked.
because i was stuck in a heated greenhouse all day, i wasn't in one of my best moods. it was 30ish today... and i was in a heated building. swell. once 5pm rolled around, i was given the head nod. i could go home!! (jumps up and down) i opened my car door, turned the key, and nothing happened. no happy car starting noises. stupid saturn. more like stupid girl who left her lights on all day. so i go to get out of the car, and im wiping my forehead off with my shirt...and i get stung by a bee on my stomach. ...seriously? i am God's personal joke. so i turn around and head to the barn to get jumper cables and as im walking in, i see Beya the german sheppard eating something. i pass by and grab the cables.. then i turn around and think.. "Ohhh ekk, whats that smell?" ...i finished off my work day by watching Beya eat a giant rabbit. ears, bones and all. and this wasn't the first time.
lord, what will you strike me with tomorrow? go easy.

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